

  • 8
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济南 历城区 王舍人街道 山东省济南市王舍人
  • 姓名: 黄女士
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:食品机械 炊事机械设备 灶具
  • 发布日期:2022-03-04
  • 阅读量:318
  • 价格:100.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:666.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:山东济南历城区王舍人街道  
  • 关键词:厨房设备


    静静厨业告诉您厨房设备怎么防止可以避免细菌的滋生,保持餐具干燥和清洁非常简单,*建议把碗碟架放在水槽旁边。洗完后,将碗碟垂直摆放,将碗倒过来放在架子上,碗碟很快就会自然晾干,既方便又卫生。   Keeping tableware dry and clean is very simple. Experts recommend putting the dish rack next to the sink. After washing, put the dishes vertically and put them upside down on the shelf. The dishes will dry naturally soon, which is convenient and sanitary.   1. 筷子筒和刀架应自由呼吸   1. Chopstick barrel and tool holder should breathe freely.   筷子的口直接、频繁的接触,确保通风当存储在干燥时,有些人把筷子放在橱柜里洗后,或放置在密封的塑料筷子管,这些做法是不可取的,选择不锈钢丝,渗透性好筷子由锥,并把它钉在墙上或放在通风的地方,它可以快速排水水。还有人习惯做一块干净的布来防止筷子上的灰尘,其实,只要在使用前用清水清洗就可以了,盖布反而会阻碍水分散发。此外,把菜刀放在抽屉里和刀架上是不可取的,还应选择一个透气性好的刀架。   Chopsticks have the most direct and frequent contact with the mouth to ensure ventilation. When stored in a dry place, some people wash their chopsticks in a cabinet or place them in sealed plastic chopstick tubes. These are not advisable. It is better to choose stainless steel wire. Chopsticks with good permeability are made of cones and nailed to the wall or placed in a ventilated place. It can drain quickly. Water. Others are accustomed to making a clean cloth to prevent dust on chopsticks. In fact, as long as the cloth is washed with clean water before use, it will hinder the water distribution. In addition, it is not advisable to place the kitchen knife in the drawer and on the knife holder. A good ventilation knife holder should also be selected.   把厨房设备里厨房用具挂起来   Hang up the kitchen utensils   汤勺、有槽的汤勺和抹刀都可以用来煮汤,但很多人习惯把它们放在抽屉里,或者放在有盖的锅和汤勺里,这也不利于保持汤汁干燥。   Soup spoons, troughed spoons and spatulas can be used to cook soup, but many people are accustomed to putting them in drawers or in covered pots and spoons, which is also not conducive to keeping the soup dry.   切菜板容易吸水,表面有划痕和裂纹,而且经常含有新鲜食物的残渣。如果清洗不彻底,储存不当,食物残渣腐烂会使细菌繁殖,甚至在砧板表面发霉,食物的污染可想而知。   Cutting boards are easy to absorb water, have scratches and cracks on the surface, and often contain residues of fresh food. If it is not cleaned thoroughly and stored properly, food residues will rot and cause bacteria to multiply, even mildew on the surface of the cutting board. Food contamination can be imagined.   解决这些问题,不妨一个小厨房:橱柜之间方便的地方或墙上安装一个坚实的酒吧,清洗后,用钩子钩住酒吧和抹刀,滤器,打蛋器,如果你洗挂在上面,进一步从这些电器部分挂抹布,抹布,擦手毛巾,酒吧的另一端是一个强大的钩,切菜板是挂了电话,所以你可以确保它是干燥的。使用这种方法,还可以使厨房保持整洁,各种用具也都随身携带,可谓一举多得。   To solve these problems, a small kitchen revolution may be advisable: install a solid bar in a convenient place between the hanging cabinet and the cabinet or on the wall. After cleaning, hook the bar and the spatula, filter and egg beater with hooks. If you wash and hang them, hang cloth, rag, towel from these electrical parts further. The other end of the bar is a powerful one. Hook, the cutting board is on the phone, so you can make sure it's dry. Using this method, the kitchen can also be kept clean, and all kinds of appliances are also carried with you. It can be said that many things are done at one stroke.   需要注意的是,挂、放物品在橱柜外自然风干的同时也会沾染灰尘,使用前应认真冲洗干净。   It should be noted that hanging and putting articles outside the cabinet will also be contaminated with dust while natural air-drying, and should be carefully washed before use.
    欢迎来到山东静静厨业有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济南历城区山东省济南市王舍人,联系人是黄女士。 主要经营济南商用厨房设备,济南不锈钢厨房设备,济南厨房设备安装,济南厨房设备公司,济南酒店厨房设备。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 本公司供应济南厨房设备,济南酒店厨房设备,济南商用厨房设备等产品,将以“优质,诚信”为宗旨,向您提供满意的产品,完善的服务。竭诚欢迎您的惠顾。